Below is the Formula Training:
"Your WHY"

DMP (Definite Major Purpose). 


1) Let's first understand "WHY" you're going after your dream.

Anyone who wants to change thier life and accomplish
their dreams,
 needs to have a rock solid reason
why they're doing it. 

"Your WHY"


You must have a big reason

“why” you are doing this business.?


Explain to your sponsor a big reason “why” you are doing this business.
Make it bigger than just making extra income.
If it’s just about extra income, you should be able to find a job that will be far easier
to create that extra money you need. 
If your “why” does not really effect you emotionally (we like to say if it doesn’t make you cry)
then it may not be a big enough reason to motivate you to create the financial leverage that it takes.
You will be needing to motivate others and this requires passion and skill. 
Think about this: One can spend four years going to college and not even be able to make
six-figures a year.
 With this opportunity, you have the chance to spend less time studying,
and learn how to build your business and create the opportunity to
create a six figure income or more.
Albie’s “why” as an example:
My “why” is that I want to be able to free up my wife from working and so that we can travel
the world and take our business with us. I don't want to be locked into having to be in any one
particular place except that it have an internet connection. I went to be able to have
enough money to retire with and give to my children.
That dream has helped me weather years of only making a little money here
and there until I finally figured out how to make consistent income online.
And we will show this to you also.

To Do:
Now take a little time to identify your dream and your “why” to yourself and
then to write them down and share them with your sponsor. ?? 

Make sure you copy and keep your “Why” somewhere
where you can see it often. When you wake up, remember
what you are aiming at and steer towards it every day.
If you forget, your mind will steer itself somewhere else


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Training, Part 2 


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Formula Share Codes



If Albie is your sponsor you may email him at:

Success is all based on learning

If you're SUCCEEDING, it's because ultimately
you're understanding the fundamentals (the 5 Critical Skills).


We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692